Life Update

 Life Lately - 

I think I say this every time I write in the blog but.. WOW it's been a long time. Haven't written on Love, Laila in almost 3 years and a whole lot has happened. 

We've had a world wide pandemic hit with Covid-19, an earthquake, started a new job, a new nephew and niece were born with another one on the way. We have gained another Sister and the kids are getting bigger each day. 

At the end of the day I can't help be grateful for all the triumphs and trails in life. There have been some very dark and deep days but there are so many beautiful moments that make life amazing. 

Ava is 11 years old now. She is just hitting those wonderful pre-teen ages and we're having the time of our lives. Ha! She is actually the most amazing kid. She is smart and curious, thoughtful and bright, she is my mini me when it comes to her attitude. I could go on forever on how much I adore her and so lucky to have her as my daughter, but I'll spare you the details. Ava is in the 6th grade right now and it's her last year in elementary.. not sure how that happened. She's playing basketball, not sure if she's loving it but she plays with a great group of girls. She is also learning how to play the viola, which will be very interesting. Ava is almost as tall as me and we wear the same shoe size, so I'm sure she'll be looking down at me any day now. 

Peter will be 6 years old on Saturday! I'm crying internally about it because he just grew up so fast. He is incredibly smart and funny, very feisty so conscious of mine and Ava's feelings. He's also amazingly stubborn, there is no convincing him otherwise once his mind is set. This year he has played soccer and rugby and he cannot wait to start basketball this winter. Peter has started kindergarten and is attending the same school is Ava. My heart bursts every time I see them walk in together. 

I am going to start being more diligent on these updates. They are so fun to look back on and read, maybe one day the kids will find it and enjoy these little post. Until next time.. 

Love, Laila