a birth story: Peter Su'a...

She's part of the "Big Sister" club

She wanted to buy her baby brother a little present

Gigi meeting her newest great grand baby 

 September 4th, 2015 our little family of three became a family of FOUR! Peter Su'a Talivakaola was born at 9:19 pm, weighing in at 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. His birth story followed in similar footsteps as his big sisters. 

 I was scheduled to get induced on September 5th, but was on "standby" for the 4th. I don't like to wait so scheduling an induction is a must for me, at least I can semi make a plan. Labor and Delivery called me on the 3rd to give me instructions on what needed to happen when I came in, so I had high hopes that I would get in on the 4th. They told me to be ready by 5 am just in case I could come in early. They didn't call me til 11:30 am and asked that I be in the hospital at 12:30, I was so excited and exhausted because I had been up all night trying to get everything ready. Peter had to be at work that morning, and he wasn't expecting me to go in til the next day, so I had my mom, who came into town to help, picked me up and we headed to the hospital. 

 I scarfed down some Chick-fil-A before we got to the hospital, because once you're checked in you're not allowed to eat until after the delivery. We all know how ugly I can get when I'm hungry. I got to the hospital, checked in, got to my room and just hung out. I was alone for at least an hour or two, but it was great to just sit and hang out in silence and ponder on what was about to happen. They started my IV (which was probably more painful than actual delivery) and got me on pitocin. There was A LOT of waiting around, and I was progressing SLOWLY.. well slower than I did with Ava. That's the only thing I had to compare it too. Of course I got an epidural at the first signs of pain, because really why wouldn't you? I have major respect for those mama's who choose the natural route. This time around the epidural just numbed my pelvic area and I could still feel all the contractions, which sucked big time. Anyways.. after being patient some more, I was finally able to push. I pushed a total of 4 times and my precious little boy was out. He didn't cry at first, he was so calm and just let the nurses wipe him down. He finally made the sweetest little cry and I could help but cry and feel so grateful for a healthy baby boy. 

 I can't believe Baby Peter is finally here, and I'm grateful he's strong and healthy. He's brought an amazing spirit to our family and I can't imagine our life without him. He already loves to cuddle and loves to hangout with his big sissy. 

Thank you to all those who sent well wishes! 

Love, Laila  

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