First day of Kindergarten

Today is the day. I have such mixed emotions about Ava starting Kindergarten. I'm nervous and excited for her. I hope she makes friends, is kind, excels and continues to love learning. I can't believe I have a child old enough to go to school. Ava has been looking forward to this day for the longest time. Last Monday we met her teacher, Mrs. Nessen, and she was beaming the whole time, and would count down the days until school started. I can't wait until she gets out of school to hear all about it.

P.S. Who told her it was ok to grow up on me? They really do grow up so fast.

Of course we had to do a little Back-to-School photoshoot

The PTA gave the parents a little snack and this cute poem was attached 

All smiles, even though her momma is dying inside.