It's been a good while since I have updated my blog, and that's to fault a number of things.
1: No Computer = No update
2: I don't find my life that interesting to update so often.
Anywho boo.. This past May our baby girl Ava Seini turned ONE..
I gan't believers it..haha. The year went by so fast.
Every time I was a pregnancy show I get deja vu about that day.
Some facts about Ms. Ava:
DOB: May 13th 2010
8lbs 6oz
21.5 inches
Born at LDS Hospital in SLC, Utah
(Peter says she's a Jazz fan by
She eats anything and everything
If she sees you eating she wants to eat too.
She' s the easiest baby EVER!
..Her doctor says the next one won't be so easy..that's IF there's a next one..
She was BOSS during her episode of Chicken pox.
..poor thing got them during Christmas...
She loves socializing at Church
She likes to have conversations with people in her own language
Her favorite songs are
"If your happy and you know it"
"Popcorn popping on the Apricot Tree"
Favorite Shows:
Bubble Guppies
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Phinese and Ferb
...One Day Old..
...Her first Lakers Jersey..
...7.4.2010 Blessing..
...First Trip to California...
...New Years/Chicken pox :/
...First time touching the Ocean...
She's grown so much in the last year. I'm excited for what's to come!