Christmas has come and gone and we are more than grateful for the opportunity we had to go and spend time with out family out in San Mateo. Ava was more then spoiled this year and Santa did even come to visit her. Haha.. Maybe he will come next year when she actually know what's going on. Ava and I left a couple days early so we could get in some extra time with the fam. Peter had to work so he only go to come on his days off and left early Christmas morning which was a bit sad. We both had lots of fun hanging with the fam out there; especially kickin' it at Grandma Palolo's house...if you've ever been there you know what it's so fun. Ava had a great time meeting her cousin Tolini and hanging out with her Aunties and Uncles, even though her last day there she broke out in chicken pox. I guess that's the price you have to pay when you're a world traveler like she is!
Meeting Baby Tolini for the first time
Ava with her Grandpa Fatai and Uncle Dallin
At the Ward Christmas Dinner
With her Grandma Doreen
Generation Pic..Family came to visit us in Vegas before we left for the Bay
With her Uncle Peter and Grandpa too many Peter's
Opening up her Christmas Presents.